Shoresha is the daughter of Oink Tasker, and a member of the Blazers, which is a team of freedom fighters led by a man named Baxter Nobunaga. Unlike her father, Shoresha was born with the ability to manipulate Geo Alpha Energy which is a slightly more powerful energy type compared to the normal Alpha Energy that mainly lefosans possess. Expect to see more of Shoresha and the rest of her team in the coming chapters of FlameThrowers...
It was an average summer day, me (Brian), Nicholas, and Chris were chillin' at my house in Maryland and we were really bored. I grabbed some pieces of lined paper and decided to start drawing a short comic book. At first, I only wanted to draw ten chapters. It would be a story about me and my friends meeting aliens, competing in a martial arts tournament, beating the main bad guy, then returning to The Valley to chill. Chapters were short and I wasn't focused on making it look amazing (I wanted it to have a rugged look) the only thing I was thinking about was how cool it'd be to look back at this one day and remember those summer days chillin' with my friends... then I got to chapter five and said to myself "Yo, this is really cool..." and decided FlameThrowers should be bigger than what I originally planned it to be.
It all started with the Universe Tournament Arc, Glory versus Almighty was supposed to be the big climactic battle of the entire story... then I started thinking about what happens after that. What would Glory's life be like after he literally saves the world? So, while I was drawing the Universe Tournament Arc I took some time to come up with the rest of the story.... it took me two years. Started drawing FlameThrowers in 2011, stopped drawing for awhile then continued in late 2013. In that two year time period I thought about, imagined, and visualized the rest of the story... now FlameThrowers will continue until the day I finish drawing chapter 400!!! It's crazy because I know exactly what I want that chapter to look like. If I think about it too much I get emotional yo, seriously makes me want to cry... it's gonna be legendary.
I've come up with a pretty solid outline I like to follow for story arcs, basically, every arc will contain at least twenty chapters, that's two complete volumes. Now, there will be arcs in the future that have way more than twenty chapters but those are the arcs that will end entire sagas in the story. Currently we are in the "North War Saga" which includes everything from chapter one all the way up to chapter one hundred twenty. Yo, the final arc in the North War Saga is honestly the stuff I've been waiting to draw forever, it's going to be the biggest sickest craziest stuff going on in that arc... I can't wait to show people!!! And from there on FlameThrowers will continue to grow and become even crazier!!!
I remember the day I thought about Roze for the first time. Originally after the Universe Tournament ended I wanted to pick the story back up with Roze being at least 14 years old!!! (This was all in the two years I stopped drawing to think of the story) But then I realized that's way too much time to pass by, after the Universe Tournament we barely know much about the FlameThrowers, including Glory!!! There was so much they could've done in those fourteen years and the reader would've only been able to see those things through flashbacks, and that would've been super lame. Not to mention the reader wouldn't even have a deep connection with the main characters in order to feel anything from those flashbacks in the first place, it just didn't make any sense, and it was just my imagination running wild, and me being very impatient with my story. Now I'm following the outline I took time to develop, and I still change some things around to this day, but for the most part I know exactly what has to happen with the story in order for me to be happy with the result by the end. Ultimately, I want readers of FlameThrowers to feel like they're adventuring with them, growing and becoming better versions of themselves as they read about Glory and his friends doing the same thing. And when it's coming to an end, it'll be sad to see it, but I'm drawing, coloring, and printing this story so that readers can go on these adventures with the FlameThrowers as many times as they want. I can't wait to finish the story just so I can read it all again and live through all the adventures one more time...
FlameThrowers currently has over 75 characters in the story!!! That's crazy!!! I love all the characters in the story, even the bad guys, mainly because I created them, obviously I don't agree with the stuff they do, hence why they're the "bad guys" but that's besides the point. My favorite character will forever be Rentrinquilla "Star" Akihiro... Glory is a very close second, but if I'm keepin' it real, I consider them one character (that includes Roze) because they're the main characters of the entire story.
DRAWN BY @AriDynamics (Twitter)
Plain and simple, I love samurai. Ever since me and my dad watched the old Musashi movies I've been obsessed with samurai and the way they carried themselves and lived. So obviously I had to throw a samurai hierarchy in FlameThrowers, which really was inspired by "Afro Samurai" with the headbands... let me explain. Okay, in FlameThrowers there are the "Ten Swords of the Milky Way Galaxy" which are essentially the top ten swordsmen in the galaxy, but every swordsman who wants to become one of the Ten Swords has to challenge the tenth first, best them in a duel and become the new tenth. Once you're the tenth sword you're allowed to challenge the ninth sword and it continues like that.
MODEL BY, @SoftCandi3D (Twitter)
The FlameThrowers Trading Card Game is already one year old, so of course, we need to celebrate the first anniversary with something cool. Introducing the "Base Set 1 Anniversary" booster box, which comes with 20 booster packs of the Base Set 1 anniversary set (4 holographic packs) and a chance of one of the holographic packs to be a "GOD PACK" which is a holographic booster pack filled with the rarest cards from multiple different sets... including BASE SET 3, which isn't going to launch until Late 2024!!!